
Dental Implants Offer Key Benefits That Are Worth the Investment

When it comes to fixing a decayed or crooked smile, you obviously have multiple options available to you. But some options, like dentures, are known to be high maintenance. Other choices like a basic dental crown may not be permanent. For best results, most dentists will suggest an investment in teeth implants. Investment is indeed the right word as many people know that dental implants are more expensive than some of the other options just mentioned, but what's important to remember here is that this investment is worth it in the long run.

4 Steps To Getting Dental Implants

Children lose teeth all the time as their baby teeth are displaced by permanent, adult teeth. Losing a tooth might not be a big deal to a child, but losing a tooth as an adult is a different experience. For one thing, adult teeth don't grow back. When a tooth is lost, the remaining teeth may shift over time, leading to orthodontic problems. If you've lost a tooth, your dentist can help by providing dental implant services.

3 Helpful Services Children With Medicaid Dental Benefits Have Access To

If you have a child with Medicaid, they have the right to receive dental benefits. There are plenty of dentists today that accept Medicaid insurance as well. These dentists can provide the following services, which your child may need at some point.  Infection Treatment One of the worst dental problems a child could experience is a tooth infection. Even just a minor infection can cause a lot of pain, making every day hard to get through.

Do Genetics Affect Your Oral Health In Any Way?

Genetics play a big role in the way you look and in your personality, but do they affect your oral health at all? The truth is that your oral health can be affected by genetics, but not in a huge way. The health of your teeth and gums is your responsibility primarily and relies highly on what you eat and do and on your oral health habits. Genetics may have a small affect on your oral health, though, and here are some things to understand about this.

Suffering From TMJ Dysfunction? How An Orthodontist Can Help

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, or TMJ, can cause headaches, tinnitus, jaw pain, and worn enamel. While you could pay for an expensive surgery to fix this issue, there are other options at your disposal. An orthodontist can set you up with an orthotic bite splint. Read on to learn more about these orthodontic appliances. What is an Orthotic Bite Splint? You may have heard of orthotics for feet, but dental orthotics do exist and have a similar goal: to provide support for ineffective alignment.

Are Invisible Braces Less Painful Than Standard Braces?

Whether you've had regular braces before or know someone who has, you might have heard that they can be painful. Unfortunately, this can be true at times. So if you're considering getting invisible braces and are wondering if you'll suffer the same fate with those, read this simple guide to find out how much better invisible braces can be in this regard. Subtle Adjustments There's actually a fairly big difference between the way that standard braces are adjusted and invisible braces are used.

Why Dental Implants Can Fail Unexpectedly After The Procedure

Once you have gone through the procedure to have dental implants placed in your jawbone, a lot falls on you in order to make sure that the implant does not fail. You'll need to keep up on your oral health so that the gums that surround the implant remain healthy, even if you think it is not necessary due to having a fake tooth. If the gums start to fail, the implant will go with it.

How Dental Sleep Apnea Treatment Works And Its Advantages Over Other Forms Of Treatment

If you suspect you have obstructive sleep apnea because you've been told you snore a lot or because you're always exhausted during the day, you should talk to your doctor about having a sleep test done. A sleep test can confirm your apnea and let your doctor know how bad it is. One treatment your doctor might suggest is a dental appliance that keeps your airway open. Here's how dental sleep apnea treatment works and why it can be a good alternative to other options.

Are Mini Dental Implants Right For You? Here's 5 Questions To Help You Find Out

Mini dental implants are titanium posts that are used to mount single replacement teeth or to hold a bridge in place. They resemble natural teeth in form and function far better than dentures, and as an added bonus, they don't need to be removed every evening and placed in a glass of denture cleaner. They're also far more comfortable than dentures, are easier to eat with, and they're usually durable enough to last for a lifetime.

Factors Affecting The Cost Of A Smile Makeover

A smile makeover involves a variety of cosmetic dental treatments geared toward improving the aesthetics of a person's teeth. You need a smile makeover if you want to improve your smile in more ways than one. Here are some of the factors that determine how much your smile makeover will cost. The Number of Procedures A smile makeover encompasses various dental treatments. Some of the typical treatments include teeth whitening, orthodontics, dental bonding, gum contouring, and teeth replacement among others.