False Teeth - Making the Right Choices

What You Need To Know About Root Canals

Many people assume that a root canal is a painful procedure, so they put it off or avoid getting the root canal completely. However, there is no reason to be afraid of getting a root canal. Not only is the procedure relatively painless, but it resolves any tooth pain that you currently have. So, before you decide against getting a root canal, learn more about the procedure and what you should expect.

Why Do You Need a Root Canal?

Root canals are needed when you have a deep infection, cavity, or injury that has damaged the root of your tooth. The procedure is used to treat a badly damaged tooth instead of pulling the tooth completely.

What Happens During a Root Canal Procedure?

Root canals are typically performed over several different appointments. This way your dentist can make sure that all of the infected parts of your tooth are removed before he puts the tooth crown in place. Before the treatment, you'll receive a local anesthetic so that you don't feel any pain. Once the anesthetic is working, your dentist will remove the decayed portion of your tooth, just like he or she would before filling a cavity. Then, your dentist will drill a hole through the crown of your tooth and remove all of the infected pulp. After the infected pulp is removed, your root canals are flushed out, removing the nerves of the tooth.

Sometimes dentists decide to leave the hole in the tooth open for a few days to allow it to drain completely. If your dentist decides this is the best option for you, a temporary tooth crown is placed over your tooth. You should be careful using the tooth to chew while the temporary crown is in place. However, you shouldn't experience any pain because the nerves of the tooth are no longer there.

To finish the root canal procedure, your dentist uses a rubber compound and sealer paste to fill in the empty space in your root canals to protect your root canals from saliva. Then, your dentist will place your permanent tooth crown over the tooth to protect it from further damage.

Is Pain or Tooth Sensitivity After a Root Canal Normal?

It's a common myth that pain or tooth sensitivity after a root canal is normal. If your tooth is still painful or sensitive after your procedure, there could be another issue with the tooth. It's possible that the root canals weren't complete cleaned or that the tooth's root is fractured. If this is the case, the tooth might need to be removed completely, and you should contact your dentist or endodontist as soon as possible.

The fact is, a root canal is a common dental procedure that is designed to save your natural tooth from being removed completely. The procedure itself isn't painful, but if you're worried about the procedure or you have questions about how a root canal works, you should ask your dentist or endodontist.

For more information about the process of root canals and to know if you need one, contact a dentist like Paul Dona DDS.
