A Guide To Common Problems Adults Can Expect From One Or More Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Although there are a few people who have a jaw that is of sufficient size to allow wisdom teeth to erupt from their jaw without compromising their oral health or appearance, the majority of people do not. Therefore, it is common for many teenagers or young adults to need their wisdom teeth to be extracted. Unfortunately, it is not unusual to delay the extraction, and that means that many people who should have had their wisdom teeth out years ago are still living with them today. If that is your own experience, it is important to know what to watch for if complications of your impacted wisdom teeth occur.
Pain, Pain And . . . More Pain
It is important to remember that because your jaw is probably not big enough to allow your wisdom teeth to fully erupt, they will linger under the jaw indefinitely. As part of that, they will attempt to come in repeatedly, with each time lasting a few days, often very painfully. Even if you are fortunate enough to not develop other side effects from the experience, that pain is often significant and may not manifest only within your jaw.
Instead, you may feel it within your sinuses, ears, and throughout the rest of your head as the result of the pressure created by teeth trying to fit in an area where there is insufficient room to do so. As a result, you should speak with your dentist about the need for extraction. If you know that you will be unable to address the issue in the near future, it is a good idea to ask about suggestions for pain management and when you should ask to be seen. As mentioned below, infected wisdom teeth are not uncommon and sudden pain might not just be the teeth attempting to find a home above your jaw line.
Swelling, Infection And Difficulty Eating
Although pain is a common side effect of impacted wisdom teeth, it can also indicate an infection. Even if you are fastidious about your oral care, wisdom teeth are particularly prone to infection because they are usually hard to clean or even to fully access.
In addition, if you are one of the relatively small group of people who have available space for their wisdom teeth, it is still possible for you to develop problems as a result of their presence. For instance, their placement would be in the back of your jaw and often, that area is not conducive for the flatter appearance of wisdom teeth. In that instance, providing effective oral hygiene at home might not be an option, allowing for decay, infection, and additional challenges in the future.
Crooked Teeth-Around The Wisdom Teeth And Throughout The Other Top Or Bottom Teeth
Another issue that has often been seen in individuals who have never had their wisdom teeth removed is crooked teeth. Particularly likely if one of the wisdom teeth was able to wedge itself in the jaw above the gum-line, the existing teeth are pushed, slowly and over time, out of place. Therefore, those teeth appear crooked and your smile is probably impaired for life, unless additional dental or orthodontic care is accessed in a timely manner.
In most cases, surgical extraction of wisdom teeth is usually recommended for teenagers and young adults. If they are allowed to remain within the jaw, pain, swelling, and infection as they attempt to re-emerge in the future are very possible, as is the development of crooked teeth due to the overcrowded jaw. If you are an adult and have not yet been able to have your wisdom teeth removed, it is crucial to know how complications of retained wisdom teeth may manifest, so that those issues can be addressed as soon as possible. For more information, contact a business such as Hoffman & Karl Dental Associates, PLLC.