False Teeth - Making the Right Choices

Do Genetics Affect Your Oral Health In Any Way?

Genetics play a big role in the way you look and in your personality, but do they affect your oral health at all? The truth is that your oral health can be affected by genetics, but not in a huge way. The health of your teeth and gums is your responsibility primarily and relies highly on what you eat and do and on your oral health habits. Genetics may have a small affect on your oral health, though, and here are some things to understand about this.

Studies show some correlation

There have been a lot of different studies completed on the correlation between genetics and oral health, and one thing researchers have found is that there is a certain gene that parents can pass to their children that may have a small affect on their oral health. If parents pass this certain gene, it can increase the chances of the child having more cavities. Beyond this, though, there is really not a lot of scientific research and proof that genetics have a huge affect on a person's oral health.

You have more control than anything

Even if genetics play a small role in your oral health, you still have control over your oral health more than anything else. It is your responsibility to take the time each day to care for your teeth, and here are some of the most important areas to focus on if you want teeth that are strong, healthy, and cavity-free:

Eating and drinking the right things – The first thing that will greatly affect your oral health is the things you eat and drink. Choosing the right things to eat and drink can reduce your risks of developing cavities.

Brushing and flossing – The second thing that will affect your oral health is your daily habits for cleaning your teeth. Taking time to do these things will decrease your risks of having problems with your teeth and gums.

Visiting a dentist – The third thing you can do to improve oral health and keep your teeth strong is visiting a dentist on a routine basis, which is basically just twice a year. This is a great way to reduce your risks, learn more about your risks, and care for any existing issues you have.

While people have blamed genetics for years for their bad teeth, the truth is that genetics may play a small role in this, but the role is very miniscule. If you would like to talk to a dentist about your oral health concerns, schedule a visit with dental clinics like Desert Dental: Ruintan Kamran D.M.D. today.
