4 Steps To Take When You Lose A Tooth Due To Impact Trauma
At some point, you may find yourself in an accident where you end up having a tooth knocked out of your mouth due to impact trauma. That's why you'll want to know what to do in this emergency dental situation so that you can save the tooth.
Find Your Tooth
It's crucial that you find your missing tooth so that it can be put back into your jaw. Hopefully, the tooth did not shatter and it is still in one piece. If you were playing a sport at the time that it happened, make sure to stop playing so that nobody accidentally steps on it. You don't want to wait until the end of the game to find it, because you need to act quickly.
Touch Your Tooth By The Crown
Once you locate the tooth, you should only touch it by the crown and never touch it by the root. If you're unsure what the crown is, know that it refers to the visible portion that is above your gums. The reason that you do not touch a tooth by the root is because it has living nerve fibers on it, and they are a vital part of getting the tooth to successfully be re-implanted into your jaw. Touching the root runs the risk of damaging those living nerve fibers.
If the tooth is dirty, try to gently clean it by running water over it. Do not scrub the tooth, touch the root, use soap, or do anything that can disrupt those fibers.
Preserve Your Tooth
You'll need to preserve that tooth so that it does not dry out prior to visiting the dentist. The best way to do this is to store the tooth in a cup of milk rather than water. If you do not have milk on hand to store the tooth, know that you can hold it in your mouth against your cheek, since the saliva in your mouth will not damage the tooth and prevent it from becoming dry and damaged.
Visit An Emergency Dentist
The next step should be to visit an emergency dentist so that the tooth can be properly re-implanted into your jaw. The dentist will disinfect the tooth to make sure that there is nothing on it that could get into your gums. They'll also remove any damaged portions of the tooth as well. A splint is often used to hold the tooth in place so that the root will integrate with the jawbone once again.
For more information on emergency dental care, contact a professional near you.