In order for you to be able to effectively care for your oral health, you must avoid letting some oral healthcare myths prevent you from making informed choices. This may seem difficult for those that know little about dental issues and treatments, so here are several myths that are particularly common.
Myth: Severe Dental Issues Will Always Cause You To Experience Extreme Pain
Patients will frequently be under the assumption that serious dental problems will always result in extreme pain or other discomforts.
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What The Tips Of Your Front Teeth Say About Your Dental Health
There are plenty of indicators of dental health, like looking at your gums for signs of recession and gum disease. However, there's a lot you can tell about your current dental health just by looking at the tips of your front upper and lower teeth. If you notice any of these signs, that means you should consult with a dentist for help.
White Tips
Normal, healthy teeth should be a nice shade of white.
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Is A Standard Dental Bridge Or Implant-Supported Bridge Right For You?
Getting a dental bridge can be exciting, as your dentist can help you to replace multiple missing teeth all at once. However, even if you've decided that you're sure you want a dental bridge, you still have one more choice to make. Will you pick a standard dental bridge secured by your own natural teeth, or an implant-supported bridge that uses dental implants as supports? Read on to discover the benefits of each and how to decide which is right for you.
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How To Drink Coffee After Teeth Whitening
Your dentist can professionally whiten your teeth and help improve the appearance of your smile in a single professional whitening treatment. Once you get your pearly whites to their optimal shade, the last thing you want to do is to stain them again. But what about your morning cup of coffee? Do you have to give up coffee to keep your teeth bright and white? Absolutely not. While it's true that coffee can lead to unsightly yellowing, there are some things you can do to help your professional teeth whitening treatment last longer, while still enjoying your cup of joe.
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